About [ARI]

About [ARI]

Artists for Radical Imagination is an emerging network of graphic artists working in liberation movements. It is a space for us to celebrate and support each other and share info, skills, resources, and opportunities. We are not yet accepting public applications for membership - stay tuned for future opportunities!

The planning crew

Loisse Ledres • Visual Artist & Designer, @geezloisse, geezloisse.com

Micah Bazant • Artist & Cultural Organizer, @micahbazant, micahbazant.com

Robert Liu-Trujillo • Artist, @robert_tres, robdontstop.com

Tesh Silver • Illustrator & Graphic Artist, @astratesh, astratesh.com

former beloved members of the planning crew:

Grae Rosa • Artist & Designer, @grae.sun, palanteworks.com

Monica Trinidad • Artist & Cultural Organizer, @itsmonicatrinidad, monicatrinidad.com

Shreya Delgado-Shah • Artist & Movement Facilitator, @saltwater.liberation.art, saltwatertraining.org

ARI is supported by